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Long Beach GP 2008

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Over there.

Is this over there?

Dress appropriately.

Dress appropriately.

Nice "T"

Read the fine print first.

Dress appropriately.

Good advice. Maybe he's referring to himself.

Shifty six-speed T-shirt

Interesting idea.

Would not be CA without a Route 66 shirt.

Why is it that women dress nicely when with casual guys? Fashion!

The racecars certainly are...

Champ Car had its last fling at LB.

Lotsa diversity.

Decorative shirt.

You must have earplugs and sunglasses. Long hair optional.

I miss you so much.

But a good cigar...

Racing makes you hungry.

Have a snack.

What's so interesting behind the grandstands?

Talk, take photos, whatever...

Hats and good ear protection.

Wonder what's in the bag he's carrying so carefully?

Dress appropriately.

You can always tell a Kiwi...

Bad Pig. Looks bad.

Budweiser gut, but drinking Tecate. Check out the frowning face in the lower left corner.