

Signs of the Times, Page 4

I always have a camera on me, so I shoot photos of things I find artistic, interesting, funny or just plain weird. I noticed recently that I had lots of photos of "signs" that met that criteria, so I thought I'd put them in a separate page.

Signs 1 , Signs 2, Signs 3, Signs 4


Hair Salon, Santa Monica, offering 2 for 1 if you bring in a new customer.  

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

A member of our party was chased by a black swan before we even saw this sign!

Good name for an art show of cartoons.
Different approach. Do they burn out your larnyx before cancer gets it?  
Temecula, CA. Where else but "Old Town" would they build new historic buildings?
LA. Tofuza meets Soyzan?  
East TN. PCBs. Thanks to industry and TVA.   

This may well be the strangest, most truthful billboard I have ever seen.

Alcoa, TN

East TN. Not PC.
 Fallbrook Fire, 2007, probably not an idle threat.  
 Just down the hill. The sign predates the fires of 2007 by several years, and the burned ground behind it makes a strong statement.  

Signs 1 , Signs 2, Signs 3, Signs 4

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