The Trip To Egypt, 2004
Day 6, Luxor, Medinet Habu, Village of Deir El Medina
Jan's Notes | Jim's Photos And Comments |
Luxor 11/5 Friday Home of the Pharaohs; greatest art period. 86% of Egypt is desert.
3 biggest crops are cotton, sugar cane & rice. No laundromats. Showing dirty lingerie to anyone else is a big no-no. No dryer needed; so dry everything air dries quickly. Colossi of Amenhotep III (temple) ruined in flood. Village of Gorna=descendants of ancient Egypt. Their ancient ancestors were probably tomb-robbers said Aki, since they helped make the tombs & knew how to get in & out & what was there. 1183 BC Ramses III
(11 Ramses in total) King visited 2x/year to commune w/the priests. Show approval to people. Series of doors closed out all but highest priest & the king thru the last door & into the sanctuary. Maintain the mystery this way. Not for common people. More preserved color here than elsewhere because: drier climate; mineral not vegetable color used; deeper carving. (Photos show deepest carving) Egypt: History
of the name Kemet=what Ancient Egyptians called themselves=black soil. Frog in hieroglyphics = 1,000 years. King kills wild bull = sign of power. Temple of Ramseum=biggest
1-piece statue made here. Ramses II-only remnant is left. |
The Temple gates line up. Almost a week of this and this man can still smile! This man was playing an instrument in from of a restaurant near the temple. |
(c) 2004, Jim Hayes